Frequency and number of treatments depends entirely on how fast you respond to your initial treatment. If we’re able to obtain a good result quickly, the likelihood of follow ups are perhaps weekly for a few weeks to ensure symptoms have resolved. If it’s an acute injury for example, twice a week is more efficient. If it’s chronic, squeezing lots of appointments into a short period of time wont rush the healing process and so treatments could be a fortnight apart over a few months to determine resolution. If we’re managing a condition, fortnightly or monthly is common. If we’re looking at cyclical issues, then working regularly on that cycle may be appropriate and if it’s a seasonal issue, then perhaps we only see you acutely for a few weeks just before the change of season. It all depends on how long you’ve had the condition, how severe it is, how quickly your body heals and whether it requires maintaining or sustains on it’s own.